In this workshop, we make
Orderly Tangles from paper
triangles. The theory is explained
The template looks like this. The triangular hole has half the edge
length of the outside.
Start by cutting out the four
triangles and their holes.
Start to put them together. Every pair is linked, so two start out like
a chain and the third links each of the first two.
Some head-scratching is required to
get the fourth one in position.
Extra hands are helpful to hold
the parts in position, so it is good to work in pairs.
In the background you can see a
animation I showed explaining the underlying concept.
It is much trickier than it looks, so we are pleased when it is
In the lobby, I displayed a series of geometric models and puzzles.
For workshop instructions and more templates, see
this paper.
Thank you
Hartshorn for making all the arrangements.